The 30 ton plane all the teams pulled!

 A few weeks ago, Jack signed up to participate in a plane pull to raise money for the Indiana Make a Wish Foundation through Rolls Royce. It sounded like it’d be a fun day, though, honestly, we’ve never been to one and didn’t quite know what to expect.

High-fiving the lady on the stilts.
Since the event was to raise money for seriously- and terminally-ill children who are to receive a special, memorable gift (like meeting their favorite baseball team or going to Disney World), the entire morning was chalked full of activities for kids. The girls had their faces painted and got balloon animals, watched jugglers, dancers, clowns, people on stilts and toured several airplanes parked outside the hanger.
A princess and two colorful kitties.

They had costume contests and congratulated teams that were able to raise the most money, then the pulling started.

Evelyn high-fiving some famous Indianapolis Colts football player…(not real big football fans here, haha).

Each team had to pull a thirty ton plane fifteen feet using a tug-o-war type rope. The trick was to get it started quickly and pull all the way to the end. Though Jack’s team wasn’t dressed in anything special and probably appeared unassuming, but wow! They drug that plane in the fastest time of all forty-five teams–in a little over seven seconds!

Walking over to take their turn.
They beat out firefighters and Minions (and even some of the crazy purple Minions), lawyers who mistakenly came in slippery loafers (whoops…big mistake!), Purdue students, football players, the Avengers, the Incredipulls…
Look at that time!
So many clowns!
 …a group of Where’s Waldos?…
I found Waldo!
 …and a bunch of mini plane captains. Seriously, a bunch of kids were able to pull that plane!
Those kids were CUTE!

The top five teams were then brought back to have a final stand off with a first place prize of a round trip plane ticket. There was a lot at stake! Since Rolls Royce was the fastest overall, they chose to pull last. All of the teams put in a fantastic effort and when it came down to it…


…they came in second place by less than half a second. The team still won a nice gift card to a steakhouse and had a fun time raising money for a good cause.

And in the end, the kids who will be blessed by everyone’s efforts were the ones who truly won.

Go Team Rolls Royce!

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