Flowers, Sewing Machine Cords and Lunch (and Maybe Tiling…)

They got the animal hats grandma knitted and beautiful flowers from daddy.
Jack, suave and debonair as usual, played down Valentine’s day while secretly making plans to celebrate.  He bought the girls flowers and chocolates and if he isn’t climbing trees to rescue cats, he’s spending his relaxation time trying to revive my dead sewing machine cord.  Today, he’s taking me to lunch at a swanky Brazilian restaurant–he even made premeditated babysitting arrangements!  Maybe we’ll even do some tiling in the bathroom today.  That would just make the holiday perfect.
Hope you’re having a happy Valentines day!
(in whatever capacity)

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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